momma in pajamas

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Pattie sent directed me to the belief-o-matic and told me that it got her spot on, so I gave it a shot. Here's where my beliefs landed me:

1. Liberal Quakers (100%)
2. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (98%)
3. Unitarian Universalism (92%)
4. Neo-Pagan (82%)
5. New Age (81%)
6. Reform Judaism (75%)
7. Secular Humanism (72%)
8. Orthodox Quaker (65%)
9. Mahayana Buddhism (64%)
10. Taoism (58%)
11. Theravada Buddhism (56%)
12. Bahá'í Faith (55%)
13. New Thought (54%)
14. Sikhism (49%)
15. Scientology (44%)
16. Jainism (40%)
17. Seventh Day Adventist (38%)
18. Nontheist (37%)
19. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (36%)
20. Eastern Orthodox (35%)
21. Roman Catholic (35%)
22. Hinduism (32%)
23. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (32%)
24. Orthodox Judaism (26%)
25. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (26%)
26. Islam (20%)
27. Jehovah's Witness

I really can't believe that Scientology and Seventh Day Adventist were before Roman Catholic.

If the an internet quiz can tell me which group best fits my beliefs by my answering a few questions, why did it take me years to make the jump?


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